Saturday, July 2, 2016


A couple of days ago The Bean and Double simultaneously sent me pictures on Facebook messenger:

This was The Bean's choice.  I love that it's a cow patterned cowboy boot.

The rest are from Double A.  I love the colors.

This is really cute.  You know I love the blue flowers.

I like how details almost blend in somehow.  Notice the butterflies?  Double A loves butterflies!

I could do without that crazy, curved toe, but the colors and details are fun.

Perfect for the weekend!  I told her she should wear these to our family reunion on the island on the 4th.  With her swimming suit.  Yeah, I know I'm a mean auntie

Thank you, awesome nieces, for thinking of your auntie and sending me shoes!  You are the bestest and I love you to the pond and back!

Memory Lane: 2013. 2014. 2015.

1 comment:

  1. They left their suits at their mom's so she would have to wear the boots with her jean shorts or whatever she will swim in. ME
