Thursday, July 7, 2016

Chocolate Day

I haven't posted in a few days.  I actually had a post for the 4th of July, found pictures and everything, and then I just forgot to actually write the silly thing.  The last 2 days I just haven't been feeling like writing anything.  I'm tired and the world is making me sad, y'all.  It's just depressing.  Thankfully today is Chocolate Day!  So basically I decided to screw the calories and eat my feelings.  (Holy buckets, though, click on that link and see their suggested menu...even I'm not that crazy!).  I am also posting (more) chocolate shoes.  Because people keep making them.

These are so pretty and it would be a shame to eat such works of art. Except I would totally eat them.  I wouldn't be able to help it.

Memory Lane: 2013. 2015.

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