Sunday, July 24, 2016

Good Day!

I did 4 podcasts today.  I'm still trying to catch up on the Bible Study one, which I seem to be perpetually behind on. BUT I did 2 Book Review Podcasts with the Camp Friend (who is now the Author Friend) and we talked about both of her books!  As a reminder, they are Letters to Zell and New Charity Blues  and you should read both of them, because she is awesome.  And I had sooo much fun talking to her today.  It was an honor to have her as my first-ever podcast guest, and I hope I did her and her books justice because I really don't know what I'm doing yet on this whole podcast thingamabob.

I also just discovered that today is Auntie's Day!  I HAVE an auntie and I also AM an auntie.  Dangit, I should have been home to celebrate with everyone.  Rude.  I will say that I love my auntie very very much and am so grateful for everything she has done for and been to me in my life.  I am also proud to be an auntie and hope my nieces know how much I love them.

Try not to be too shocked, but I'm not really in a shoe mood tonight, so I'm just going to share a picture of me and my auntie:

Weren't we cute?

Also a picture of me and my dad's sister, who died a couple of year's ago and who I miss terribly:

And my twin aunties.  Of whom I clearly need a more recent picture:

Except how awesome is THIS picture?

And that is all.  The end.

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