Saturday, July 23, 2016


Yesterday was the Bean's birthday.  I can't believe she is now a teenager.  It was just yesterday that she looked like this:

Awww...wasn't she the sweetest baby bean?  And I didn't post on her birthday.  Worst. Auntie. Ever.  I actually had the post planned and everything, just got tired and forgot to do it when I got home.  Anyway, she recently told me that purple is still her favorite color but that blue is also her favorite.  Sniff.  Sniff.  I'm so proud.  So here are some blue and purple shoes to help her celebrate her 2nd day of being an official teenager.

Love them.  I think we need matching auntie-niece shoes, don't you?

These are kind of weird and kind of fun.

If we wore the same size we could get both pairs and each wear one of each!

Yesterday was also Hammock Day, which sounded pretty fabulous.  I think the Bean and I could have definitely found a beach somewhere and hung out in a hammock to celebrate her birthday.  She likes flip flops, and these came up under hammock shoes.  I like the bright colors.

It's a whole series of fun hammock fleep flops!  I would even put up with the damn thing between my toes if it meant spending a day in a hammock with the Bean.

Happy Belated Birthday, Bean!

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