Wednesday, July 20, 2016


I had a massive headache today.  I've had headaches for most of my life, but for the past year or so I've been having really horrible menstrual migraines.  Pretty much nothing I take helps, which sucks.  Today was the lucky day for this month, and it was so bad it was making me nauseous (which happens frequently).  Thankfully it was a fairly slow day in the office so I was able to come home and sleep for awhile.  Stupid thing is still hanging in there, but it isn't bad if I don't move my head too much or too fast.  At least the nausea has subsided.  If anyone has any suggestions for this type of headache please share, because nothing I've tried so far has worked.

On a happy coincidence, today was Nap Day, so I celebrated accordingly for once!  It was also National Lollipop Day, which I did not celebrate, but which gave me the idea for shoes for tonight.

I love these!  I think the line is called lollipop, so it still fits even though the shoes have no actual lollipops on them.  Although maybe you can imagine it in an abstract sort of way?  PLUS, I actually know someone who owns this last pair!  See

And one pair with actual lollipops.  Because baby shoes are always appropriate.

Also, I have now had this song stuck in my head while writing this post. Love it.


Me and my headache are going to bed now, thankyouverymuch.

Memory Lane: 2013. 2015.

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