Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Shoes and Leaves

So...where to start?  JG asked me a couple of weeks ago if I was going to post again and I wasn't sure what to tell her.  I've thought about posting numerous times, but things are crazy busy at the office.  Which is good, things are definitely on an upswing, and I'm grateful for that, but it means that life is a little insane right now.  Last night we got home about 8:00 and then I worked for another 2 1/2 hours.  I was out of the house again this morning at 8:00 to do a million things so the hubby could head to a meeting in the Bay Area, and then it was off to the office for another full day.  So it's good, just crazy. 

There's other stuff, too, and I had it all laid out in my head this morning in the shower, but apparently that post went down the drain with the water.  The gist of it is I'm not getting a lot of introvert time due to the crazy, which makes me feel a little funky.  The funky feelings lead me to make extremely poor decisions health-wise.  I don't drink enough water.  I eat crappy food.  I don't get enough exercise.  It all combines to make the funk even funkier.  Oh, and I'm fat.  Sorry about the body shaming, but it's true.  If I were healthy it would be one thing, but since I'm making poor health choices, well, blah.  We have family pictures coming up in November and all I can think if how awful I'm going to look and it's all my fault and my socially constructed brain that has been taught that women should look a certain way has taken over and my sister is going to be way cuter than I in yet another series of family pictures.  (side note...I love my sister, this is nothing against her, she's beautiful inside and's just my own crap stemming from my socially constructed telling me I'm fat.  Blah).

Still with me?  Happy I haven't been posting?  Wondering why I'm posting now?  Yeah, I get it.  Let's look at some shoes, shall we?  The calendar says it's Autumn, even if the temps don't always agree, so here are shoes and Autumn leaves.  Some shoes I like, some I don't.  Some pictures are better than others.  I'll leaf (ha!) the details of which is which to you.

I have Sleepy Time tea in a Halloween cup waiting for me to drink while I read before bed, so I must leave you now.

1 comment:

  1. Pair no. 2 looks like they waded through the mud to get to the photo session. ME
