Tuesday, October 11, 2016


I've currently got four things working in the background of my computer, so I figured while I waited for those to finish I might as well pop over here and do a quick post.  The calendar says it's October, but while it's been in the 80s still here, many of my friends in MT woke up to snow yesterday and today.  I think there should be a happy medium in there somewhere.  Nice, crisp fall days with highs in the 60s and lows in the 40s would suit me just fine.  Not going to happen, but oh well.  Since the calendar does say October, despite what the weather says, it's time for some Halloween-themed shoes, so today we're going with ghosts.

Simple and cute.  My only question is, why are the ghost's necks so narrow?  Maybe they're like Nearly Headless Nick in the Harry Potter books?

Similar, but with a little orange to make them pop.

Adorable.  Although the ghosts are a little strange.  Is it the mouths?

I kind of want these in my size.  They'd be great as slippers; I could wear them for the whole month.

I thought I'd find more heels or adult shoes with ghosts on them.  Not so much.  I'm still not convinced these are ghosts, they look more like skulls, but I was told they were ghosts (and the internet would never lie to me) so I went with it.

I find this hilarious and silly.  It doesn't really say Halloween to me, but it certainly makes me smile.

OK, back to work.  And just in case you were worried, I've actually been working this whole time, going back and forth between cute ghosties and actual work.  The ghosties are more fun.

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