Wednesday, October 12, 2016


The other day when I was looking for fox shoes for the Pinterest Friend's Pumpkin Seed, I also came across several pairs of hedgehog baby shoes.  The PF's hubby is apparently a fan of hedgehogs, so I figured I should do a post for him, too.  Also, Scout is a fan, as I have written before, so this isn't my first hedgehog post, but it is the first one of exclusively baby shoes.

I've done these before, but they're so stinking cute I had to include them again.

They say "give me a hug."  Heehee.  Hedgehog shoes could easily be porcupine shoes, I feel like.  I just love how smug these little guys look.

I know.  They're all the same shoes just in different colors, but I love them all, so you have to see them all.

These are funny to me.  They remind me of some sheets I had as a kid that had big mushrooms on them.  Or was it a blanket? Or both?  Ahhh...the 70s.  Anyhoodle.  Why are the mushrooms so much bigger than the hedgehogs?  I still think they're awfully cute, and I love the colors.

I was superamazinglyfantastically grumpy today, so these cute hedgiehog shoes helped with that a little bit.  I hope your day was less grumpy, but if it wasn't,  hope you too were helped by some hedgehog cuteness

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