Monday, January 16, 2017


Apparently this week is just going to be one of eye-rolling experiences.  It's Monday, so second day of the week, and I'm 2 for 2 so far.  At least I didn't set any alarms off today. This afternoon the hubby asked me to go to Home Depot to get some stuff for the office.  We had a gift card from last week when we returned a few things, so off I went.  I got in the car and went on auto pilot.  I got to the store, got the stuff, got in line, and checked out.  When it came time to pay I handed the cashier the gift card to which she replied (in a completely disgusted tone), "we don't take Home Depot cards."  Which was when I snapped into reality and realized auto pilot had taken me to Lowe's.  "Oh good grief," I said, "I can't believe I just did that!"  In the meantime she is making all kinds of faces at me: rolling her eyes and bugging them out, looking at the guy behind me and making more faces.  I told her I was really sorry but that I actually needed to use the gift card so I needed to not complete the purchase.  She heaved a huge sigh and said, "really?" with more faces.  I apologized again and walked out.  Was I a moron?  Yes.  But seriously?  The entire encounter took about 2 minutes out of her entire day, and I only had 4 items.  So it's not like it was a huge effort on her part to reverse the process.  Maybe she was having a crappy day or something.  I tried not to meet her rudeness with more rudeness, but I was annoyed and embarrassed.  Boy, do I love being a total moron 2 days in a row.

Moving on.  Today's Facebook memories reminded me that January 16 is Appreciate a Dragon Day, which is what I wrote last year's post on.  I know I did it last year, but I figured dragon shoes would take my mind off of my moron status.

Dragon shoes!  I don't think my dragons care about my shoes one way or the other, as long as I give them warm baths and yummy meal worms.  And occasionally snuggle them.

This picture is from Saturday morning.  Squirtle kept leaving to go explore and try to jump off the bed, but Bulbasaur and Charmander just snuggled right in on my neck and shoulder and hung out for almost an hour.  Also, if you had asked me 7 years ago if I would ever have (and enjoy having) bearded dragons as pets, I would have said no way in heck!  Never say never.

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