Saturday, February 18, 2017


I didn't post on this holiday last year, but decided I couldn't pass it up a second time.  Because today is Cow Milked While Flying in an Airplane Day.  There really is a holiday for everything!  In honor of this momentous and historic occasion I give you cow shoes, of course!

These are hilarious.  Do they look less like mouths when there are feet in them or does it then look like the cows are eating your feet?

Holy cow indeed.

These are cute and also kind of strange.


I would wear either of these to a cow themed event, depending on how formal it was.

The PB could go with me!  Why are the cows green, though?

I hope you find a way to celebrate this crazy holiday.  I don't drink milk, but if I did, milk and cookies would seem a delightful choice.
Cow Milked While Flying In An Airplane Day

Read More: Today Marks Weird Event: ‘Cow Milked While Flying In An Airplane Day’ |
Cow Milked While Flying In An Airplane Day

Read More: Today Marks Weird Event: ‘Cow Milked While Flying In An Airplane Day’ |
Cow Milked While Flying In An Airplane Day

Read More: Today Marks Weird Event: ‘Cow Milked While Flying In An Airplane Day’ |

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