Monday, February 13, 2017

Dinos's been a day.  The roller coaster continues and I don't know how much longer I can be on this ridiculous ride.  Except I always say that and then there's always something else that happens that enables me to continue for just a little longer.  Could it just be a little flatter, though?  Do the lows have to be so darn low?  We were expecting some good news this week, and while we didn't get complete bad news, we got delaying news.  I know, this is vague, but I can't give you the details.  I would appreciate whatever prayers/good thoughts you have to give.  Adulting is hard.  Adulting is a stupid word, but that doesn't make it any less hard.

For no connected reasons, dinosaur shoes are cheering me up today:

I love them all.  I think I need the slippers.  How could I be sad wearing those?  Thanks in advance for the prayers or thoughts or whatever your belief system supports.  I'm lucky to have you in my life and with me on this journey.

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