Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Love is Love is Love

Happy Valentine's Day!  Whether you are in a relationship or not, I hope your day is full of love.  I know today is supposed to be about romantic love, but I say to heck with that.  The Beatles said "all you need is love," and I think that means whatever kind is available.  Romantic love?  Yep.  Familial love?  Awesome.  Platonic love?  Cool.  God's love?  The best.  Plus, any excuse to eat chocolate is OK in my book.  Here are some heart shoes to show the love:

No thank you.  This is all kinds of crazy.

But this one I love.  I would wear this if I still had the ability to wear heels!

Not bad.  I like the obvious theme.  I'm terrible with white shoes, though, and these would be filthy in no time.

They'd still be filthy, but I like these a little better, which is strange because I usually like red better than pink.

These are my favorite of this series, though.  I like the contrasts in colors.

I love the toe of this, but the rest of it is kind of meh.

Happy Valentine's Day!  I hope your day is full of love, whether you're single or in a relationship.  Also, regardless of relationship status, spread that love by telling people you love them!  I love you!  You are awesome and I am lucky to have you in my life!  Now.  Go eat some chocolate.

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