Sunday, May 14, 2017

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day!  Whether you are a biological mom, adoptive mom, foster mom, Godmother, motherly, or have a mother, I hope you found a way to celebrate today!  For those of you for whom today is hard, because of infertility, loss of a child, loss of your mother, or an unhealthy or unhelpful relationship with your mother, please know you aren't alone, that you are loved, and I hope today wasn't too painful for you, or if it was you had a good support system.  My prayers are with you, and I would give you a hug if I could.

I am extremely grateful for the moms in my life.  My mom, my mother-in-law, my Godmother (who is also my auntie!), the moms of my nieces and nephew (one of whom is my seester!), and lots of mothering-types who have been there throughout my life.  I am thankful for each and every one of you.

I was a terrible daughter today, though.  I did at least call my mom today.  But, I have a gift for, have had it for months...but haven't sent it to her.  I wrote her a poem...but haven't finished it.  I feel like the kid in Mercer Mayer's book Just For You.  Hopefully mom still loves me in my failure (actually I know she does, it's one of the reasons she is awesome and I am lucky).  I will try to do better in the daughter department, though.

In the meantime, here are some shoes to celebrate the day:

Yum!  Neither the dragons nor the puppies thought to get me lollipops with shoes on them.  Silly babies.  Oh wait...that's just karma for my own Mother's Day failures!

This is true.  I wouldn't trade my mom in for all the shoes in the world.

I think I've posted these before, but I still like them.  I would wear them on Mother's Day and July 12 and January 11 and November 27 and September 25, for a start (those are all birthdays of the people I mentioned above).

I have no idea why these came up in a search for "mother's day shoes," but they did.  They are odd, but I like the colors.  I don't think I would wear them, but still, the colors are fun.

So, once again, Happy Mother's Day!  I hope your day was full of love.

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