Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Hooray Baby H!

I should be proof-reading articles right now, but I need to take a quick break and give my brain something else to think about for a few minutes.  Plus, the PF had her baby on Friday, and I haven't done a post on it yet!  Baby H came into the world around 4 am Friday morning and is doing well.  He spent a couple of days in the NICU just to make sure he was breathing properly, getting proper nutrition, and taking care of a bit of jaundice, but he got to go home yesterday, so there is even more reason to celebrate.  He is such an adorable baby, and his mama has been flooding my Facebook timeline with all sorts of baby spam, which is AWESOME.  He has a whole head full of blonde hair.  So much so that the PF can mold it into a teeny tiny faux mohawk!  Big Brother J seems to be doing well with this new addition to the family.  At least he looked awfully pleased and proud in the pictures of him holding his new brother.  I probably won't get to meet Baby H for a long time, so I'm grateful for all of the pictures.  And now, of course, there must be shoes to celebrate.

 These are simple, but adorable.  I like now soft and snuggly they look.

I've posted these before, but I still love them, and the came up when I typed in Baby H---- Shoes, so I had to post them again! 

These also came up in that search.  The internet must know it's PF's baby!

These aren't my favorite, but I love the color, and I don't often see helicopter shoes, so I thought that was fun.

These are my favorite.  I know you're shocked.

There you go.  5 pairs of Baby H shoes for the first 5 days of his adorable little life.  Welcome to the world, Baby H!

PS--if you haven't clicked on the links taking you to the glossary, please do so.  I need more sets of eyes telling me if I've forgotten stuff or gotten stuff wrong.

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