Saturday, May 6, 2017

Polka Dots

Since I did stripes last night I decided I needed to do polka dots tonight.  Because polka dots also make me happy.  Also, one of my nieces used to call them "polka nuts" which makes me giggle, and I'll take all of the giggles I can get these days.  Also also, I decided to only do wedges tonight because I seem to be slightly obsessed with wedges lately and want a whole closet full of them (a real one, not just an imaginary one).

Would I wear orange polka dot wedges?  Yes, I would.  Do I wish these had an ankle strap?  Yes, I do.

A world of yes.  You can never have too many pairs of red shoes.

I'm not in love with the fabric on the wedge, but love the rest.

Stripes AND polka dots!  I wish the stripes were the blue rather than black (or possible navy?  But I think black).

See how much cuter the orange ones would be with an ankle strap?  I can go either way on the bow, but I do love an ankle strap.

Turquoise!  Or possible sky blue.  But I really don't care because you know I love all things blue.  Probably why half of the shoes in this post are blue.  I know you're terribly shocked.

It was a fairly good day.  The hope remains alive, for which I am grateful.  The downside of the day?  Cleaning toilets (ugh), puppies who have decided that peeing on the dining room carpet is way more fun than going outside (grrr), and Squirtle, who pooped on the bath mat this morning before I could get her in the tub (she's been eating berries, which are lovely, but do not come out the other end so nice).   Also, allergies that made the left side of my face decided to try and explode, implode, or just plode.

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