Friday, May 5, 2017


Tonight I decided I needed some heels in my life.  I don't really wear them anymore, that there's no reason I can't do a little window shopping for the imaginary shoe closet. I'm in the mood to stripes, so here are some stripey heels:

These would be cute in blue and white stripes, too.

I both like this and don't.  I'm not sue what it is that's slightly off-putting, though.

This is a little bit crazy, but I like it.  I wear a lot of black and this would add a pop of color.

Not a fan of the colors on these, particularly.

Love these.  They're like Monet inspired stripes.

Yes, please.  I think I need an imaginary shoe closet just full of wedges.  Or maybe a real closet full of wedges (they're easier to walk in than stilettos, you know).

Ah...I feel better.  Stripes always help.


  1. It's that the stripes are wavy and make you feel slightly sea sick. ME

    1. Hmmm...that might be it. And the last thing you want to be is sea sick when wearing heels!
