Thursday, June 8, 2017


1. I'm tired.
2. I have no right to be tired as I accidentally fell asleep last night at 7:30 and got 12 hours of sleep.
3. I have a right to be tired since I've been moving furniture and miscellaneous stuff between the office and home since Saturday.
3a. The hubby hurt his back awhile ago so I haven't been letting him help much since I don't want to make it worse.
4. I'm emotionally tired from sending out resumes for the last month and being rejected.  A lot.

I finally feel like I have a minute to do a post, so I looked up sleepy shoes:

I love these!  I want a pair in my size, please.

I wish these were baby shoes.  The sleepy foxes are adorable, but I think they would be adorabler on baby shoes.

Or on socks.  I would wear these.

I can't decide if these are cute or creepy.


And now I must go read for awhile before I head to bed.  I have an author interview next week and need to finish the book.  Hey, did you know that I have a book review podcast?  Well, I do, and I've been doing author interviews lately, which have been a lot of fun.  I've gotten to read books I might not otherwise, and I get to talk to awesome authors about books.  How can I not love that?  Now I just need to work on not sounding like such a dork when I'm interviewing.  If you want to check out the podcasts you can click on the link above.

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