Saturday, May 30, 2015


I love primary colors.  So fun.  And yes, that was a totally random first sentence, but who needs a coherent lead-in?  Probably lots of people.  Me included when I'm in grammar obsessed mode.  But tonight we're just jumping in (albeit with that brief tangent about grammar and composition).  Let's look at primary colored shoes, 'kay?

I'm not completely sold on the flower on these, but like the basic ballet flat.

Along with real ballet shoes.  This is a really cool picture.

Hmmm...I have blue and red pumps but not yellow.  Not from lack of trying, I just haven't found a pair yet.

Um...OK.  I'm not completely sure what to say about this one.  Like the colors, not so sure about the actual design.

Awwww...little girl shoes.  Adorable.

 Well these are interesting.  And my interesting I mean weird.

Ohhhhh the ribbon possibilities!

Speaking of weird.  They're bright at least?  I do like the colors, but it's just a little too much.

Bright and fun.  2 things I like in shoes, even when the shoes are weird.  Since I skimped on the intro, I'm also going to let you write your own conclusion.  It's like a choose your own adventure book, only less fun.

Friday, May 29, 2015


The other night I wrote about how I loved these shoelaces more than the shoes (or at least loved the shoes because of the shoelaces).

Mom wrote in  a comment that I could just go buy the ribbon and have my very own pair.  To which I had to smack myself in the forehead and say, "well, duh!"  She's so smart.  Tonight as I was out running errands I took a detour to find some ribbon.  I didn't find this particular ribbon (I will keep looking), but found a couple of other choices.  Wanna see?  Of course you do!

See?  Fun!  Or maybe I'm just odd, but I kind of don't care, because I think these are fun.

As are these.  Look how well the blue polka dots match the blue shoes!  I think I might have found a new obsession.  Thankfully ribbon is cheap.   Do you think I could do a kickstarter campaign for canvas shoe money?  Here are some other fun examples of ribbon shoelaces:

These make me think of a bumblebee.  Or really peppy prison shoes?  What do you think...are the white with black stripes or black with white stripes?


Oooh...I love these polka dot ribbons. So fun.

Pig ribbons!  AND a patchwork shoe!

Today was an extremely difficult day.  It's the hubby and work, and I don't want to go into it, but he didn't have a good day, and he was super depressed.  So of course I was super depressed, and felt like it was my fault.  Which it isn't, I know this.  But the fact that I don't have a job is certainly my fault.  So I took on way too many emotions today, not all of them mine.  I need a job.  (don't get me started on how big of a loser I feel about still not having that particular poop in a group)  I got ribbon shoelaces.  Not really a comparable tradeoff, but at least the ribbons perked me up quite a bit.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Let's Go on a Picnic!

I almost forgot to post a batch of pictures the Pinterest Friend sent me awhile back.  I'm not sure if she was going for a theme, but they made me think of picnics.  Which sounds fun.  Who wants to go with me?

OK, so these aren't exactly practical picnic shoes, but you know how I love gingham, and these say picnic to me.  Just a picnic with concrete so those cute heels don't sink in the grass.

Baby picnic shoes!  Or other stuff, too, but hey, work with me on the picnic theme, OK?

I'm kind of wondering if that top pair is actually this watermelon pair.  I don't think so, because I don't think these have bows, but how cute are these?  Could I wear one red and one blue?  Too much?

More adorable baby shoes.  Watermelon and ants on the 4th of July.  Sounds like a picnic to me.

If that purse were a little bigger it could be the picnic basket and I could have matching shoes.

Stupid slingbacks.  But cute!  Apparently I and the nonexistent baby will be going on lots of picnics in all of our fun shoes.

I have no idea where today went, but it disappeared and I feel like I got nothing done.  I hate it when days get sucked into the time vortex.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015


Thank you, everyone, for your kind words of encouragement after my grumpy post the other night.  Yesterday was better, thank goodness, and today was also good, so I'm grateful for that.  Because   she is awesome and caring, the Pinterest Friend sent me a bunch of pins to cheer  me up on Monday night, this being one of them:

Aren't these happy?  The inspired me to go in search of more happy, smiley shoes.

Love these.  Want them for the canvas shoe collection.

This cracks me up.  I'd love to wear these under my alb.

The smiley faces are OK, but I lovelovelove those shoelaces in the yellow shoes.

For you happy flip flop lovers out there.

I don't particularly like the material these are made of, but like the different colors.

Oooh...stripes!  And very sweet faces.

Happy Jelly shoes!

I love tie-dye.  Usually I prefer straight tie-dye with no frills, but I'd still add these to the canvas shoe collection.

Will someone get me these?  Especially the second one from the left?  Thanksloveya.

Thanks again for restoring a fraction of my faith in humanity.  Lots of people still suck, sadly, but I'm grateful to be surrounded by amazing, loving, fantastic friends.

Monday, May 25, 2015


Sigh.  I need to vent a little.  Today I've been grumpy, sad, disheartened, and angry by turns.  The sinus infection doesn't help (massive pressure, but nothing is coming out, even with the neti pot), but I feel like I lost a little faith in humanity today.  I'm not going to go into details, but I don't understand why people feel they can say anything they want to anyone they want.  The circumstances are something that I should be able to shake off, but for whatever reason today I just can't.  I don't like feeling like I'm back in high school with passive aggressive people.  Added to this is the fact that I've been told more than once in the last couple of weeks that I kind of suck as a human being, and I'm just having a massively pissy kind of day.  Puppy snuggles are only making a tiny dent in my mood, so I'm not even sure shoes can cheer me up at this point.  I'm going to give it a shot.

Lots of my favorite things:  polka dots, stripes, plaid, wedges, baby shoes, dragonflies.  But, eh.  Only marginally improved the mood.  I'll have to revisit them in a better mood so I can enjoy them more. 

I hope your Memorial Day was more enjoyable than mine.  I'm making some tea, taking a mindless book and some puppies, and going to bed.

Sunday, May 24, 2015


Oh my is World Tiara Day!  I wish I'd known this before so I could have had a tiara tea party.  I could have gone home and one with the nieces, or invited friends over and made the hubby serve us tea and cookies.  Tiara tea parties are a tradition in my family.  I don't even remember when or why we started, but we put on tiaras (Mom has a selection), use a fun tea pot from Mom's collection, and eat cookies (usually).  We speak with totally phony accents, hold our tea cups with our pinkies out, and generally act silly.  Mom gets to be the queen and the rest of us are princesses or duchesses or something else fancy.  Are we dorks?  Why yes we are.  We are also awesome.  See?

DJ wasn't in a tiara mood that day, and Pippi is holding hers rather than wearing it, but you get the idea.  I am so not a princess kind of girl generally, it's just for tea parties, but I do kind of have a secret love of tiaras.  And we all know of my love of shoes, so here are some combinations of the 2:

Boring color (I know, this shoe would be fabulous with certain outfits), but the tiara shoe clip is fun.

Whoa...sparkly! tiara shoes.

More sparkles!  I like the fancy shoelaces.

Is that like a giraffe print?  I like the tiara detail, though.  My main question is this:  why can't there be another color besides pink?  Yes, tiaras are girly, but girls can wear other colors.  I bet even princesses can wear other colors.

Happy World Tiara Day!  I'm thinking I need to be home next year on May 24th so we can have a fabulous tiara tea party.  I'm also thinking I better start writing this stuff down since I keep making potential future plans...

Saturday, May 23, 2015

World Turtle Day

Have I told you lately how awesome my mama is?  After reading the patchwork post the other night she went online and ordered me these:

I got them yesterday, how fun are they?  She's the bestest.  Oh, and speaking of patchwork and mamas, my mama--in-law got her afghan and loved it.  Yay!  

Since my last post was already about patchwork, we'll move on for tonight.  Did you know that today was World Turtle Day?  Now you do!  Which means turtle shoes!

Oh my goodness.  Turtle slippers for the puppies!  Also, it's my duty as the puppy mama to say that my puppies are cuter, even this one is no slouch in the cute department.  My puppies might have to get turtle slippers for Christmas/birthday.

And Mom and Dad could have slippers, too!

This is just adorable.  I think I might love turtle shoes.

These are like a preschool art project.  And yet?  Still adorable.

This seals it.  I need kids to go with the puppies and the whole family needs turtle shoes.

Yep. Family turtle shoes.  Need them.

In other news, I had a Skype interview today with a church.  It went fairly well, I think, despite all of my anxiety dreams beforehand.  They seem very nice, their paperwork was actually kind of exciting to me, and now we'll see.  They're kind of far away in terms of commuting, but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.  First I have to see if they want a second interview (they have 7 people total to interview), and then who knows?