Friday, April 8, 2016


I had really good intentions on today in terms of eating healthy.  I did pretty well for awhile and then it was like a switch was flipped and I was EAT ALL THE THINGS!!!!  Sigh.  Not the worst thing in the world, and I didn't eat things that were really awful, I just felt like a bottomless pit.  It was crazy.

On a totally different note, today is Dog Farting Awareness Day.  Most of the comments on my Facebook post were some variation of "we are VERY aware of dog farts at our house!"  It cracks me up that there's a day for this.  It's also Dog Fighting Awareness Day, so I'm wondering if it's related, and if it's a lighter way to bring up dog-related issues.  As I said on this day last year, I will not be incorporating this day into the shoes for tonight's post.

Instead, we will celebrate Zoo Lover's Day!  I have been to very few zoos in my life, but zoo shoes seem rather appealing, so here we go:

Lellie Kelly shoes always seem really fun and really girly.  These are cute and very zoo-centric.

A shoe zoo!

These are shoes representing a specific zoo, but I can't remember which and can't read what it says except that the zoo starts with B.  Panda shoes are always cute, though.

Soooo cute.  They're for kids, but I'd wear them.  If they had a hippo instead of an elephant (not that there's anything wrong with elephants) I could wear them while singing the Hippo Song!

These are my favorite.  So bright and colorful and fun.  The PB could have these for the zoo, or when we read Noah's Ark, or when we go on safari.  You know, like you do with a baby.

I'm going to go to bed now in an attempt to not eat anything else.

Memory Lane: 2013. 2014. 2015.

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