Friday, July 8, 2016

Inner Child

I'm taking a quick bread from podcast prep (I am soooo very behind) to write a quick post.  The world continues to be a $h!+ storm of depressing news and violence, and I am so tired of the people who polarize around these issues instead of mourning the loss of life and looking for ways to be voices of love and light in the world.  Thank goodness I also have friends who are eloquent and willing to speak their truths in ways that are loving and respectful because I spend a lot of time on Social Media these days for the office and it's all overwhelming.  So.  Today is Be a Kid Again Day, which I think sounds fabulous.  We should all try to find out inner child because children aren't born racist or hateful or wanting to polarize every issue, we have to teach them how to do those things.  Sigh.  So maybe we all need to access our inner children and get back to that place where people are people and we find them fascinating and wonderful instead of different and scary.  Or maybe we should just give ourselves a  time out and look at kid shoes:

Look at how cute these are!  I love that pink is represented, but so are lots of other colors.  My inner girl child likes more options than just pink.

Like red and white and polka dots!  Not that you'd see the polka dots once you put your feet in.

See?  Pink is OK, but I love the sparkly stripey rainbowy parts best.

 Yellow is always a good choice for Easter.  Or tiara tea parties.  Or Tuesday.

Plus you need tennies for climbing trees and stuff.


Both this and the last one are perfect for if you want to be girly AND climb trees and stuff.

For my green peeps.  Your inner children need shoes too.  Alright, back to work and then off to bed.

Memory Lane: 2013. 2015.

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