Friday, March 27, 2015

Stained Glass

Have I mentioned before that my parents are disgustingly talented?  Because they are.  In lots and lots of ways.  Today I was thinking about how when I was growing up they did stained glass stuff.  They even taught classes.  But they didn't just do little things, they did great big, cool projects, too. Like the cross in our church.  It depicts scenes from Jesus' life and is quite large.  I know I have a picture of it somewhere, and it's been driving me crazy all night trying to find it (I HATE not being able to find stuff).  Since I can't show you that picture we'll just have to move straight to the shoes.

Wow.  If I go back to the parish, I'm pretty sure I need a pair of these.

Also very churchy, but I don't think I need a pair of these.

Are these kind of awesome, or is it just me?

Very 90s!  And yes, I am still lamenting the loss of my multicolored suede shoes.

I don't know what's happening here.  Are these the soles of shoes?  Because I don't think you should be walking on baby Jesus.  Are they something else, and if so, what?

Yep, the parents could have totally made this.

I think this is adorable as either a shoe or a planter.  But probably not both at the same time, because ick.

Anyway, just another post about how cool my parents are.  (I share half of their DNA, why couldn't I have gotten the cool half?!)


  1. You could have done stain glass if you'd been a little older and/or interested. ME

    1. I enjoyed the scrap glass/tacky glue projects. As big of a klutz as I am, could you imagine me with sharp glass and a soldering iron?!


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