Monday, September 30, 2013

Book 4

I'm a little over half-way through listening to The Goblet of Fire.  I would be further, but I keep having technical difficulties with my iPod.  Does it not understand my needs???  Rude technology.

Anyhoo, I was living in Texas when this one came out.  I remember pre-ordering the book, going to Borders the day it came out, and then spending ALL day reading the entire book.  It was an awesome day.  I also remember when the publicity came out for it saying something like, "Wow, look how grown up Harry is getting!"  My aunt just gave me a look like I was weird.  Which I was.  Whatever.  In Book 4 Harry is involved in the Tri-Wizard tournament, and ends up having to get past a dragon in of of the tasks.  So today I bring you dragon shoes!
These aren't real, but I wish they were.  I would wear these.

Shut up.  They're cute, OK?  Baby feet need dragons, too.

Oh.  My.  Goodness.  These are insane.  I've never been high, but I'm just imagining someone who was staring at these and freaking out.

Awesome.  I would also wear these.  They are a little bit creepy, but that's why I like them.

Sunday, September 29, 2013


This is the calendar shoe for the weekend.  Fairly plain and simple, right?  Until you read the description and find out that these are leather and decoupage.  Yep, you can decoupage anything!  Let's peruse some of examples out there, shall we?
Cute!  Love the colors, like the simplicity of the letters as the patter choice.  I'm assuming the R and the L stand for something specific.

These look like wallpaper.  Bad wallpaper.

Butterflies!  I love the colors, and Double A would love the butterflies.

Do you think those are real stamps?  I think the effect is kind of cool.  Overall I'm going to go with decoupage shoes as being interesting.  Like any DIY project they have the potential to look really cheesy, but I'm sure there are many creative people out there who could come up with some really cool ideas.  In my family that would not be me.  Mom and Seester, break out the Mod Podge!

Saturday, September 28, 2013


Yesterday the calendar presented me with this:

These are by a designer called Masaya Kushino, and they are crazy.  The boot part isn't bad, but then you get to that crazy heel.  They are called Aries boots, which makes sense since the sign for Aries is a ram.  But these make me not want to be an Aries.  Of course I looked up the designer, and these are actually mild by comparison.
I think I've featured these before, but I will confess to being lazy and not looking up the entry.  How do you walk in these things?

These are actually kind of pretty.  I mean, the colors are lovely, but I have no idea what in the heck is going on with these insanely busy shoes.

Topiary shoes?  Do people actually wear these?  How itchy would these be?  I feel my allergies reacting just looking at the picture.
I'm pretty sure I have found out where Lady Gaga gets her shoes.  There are soooo many more, and you really should go peruse the pictures.  I have one more to share with you, although they aren't shoes.  I'm going to leave  you with it without commentary.  Just bask in the strangeness.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Friday, Fall, Feet

We don't get terribly defined seasons here, like we did in MT.  The calendar says it's Fall, but while some trees change, it just doesn't look or feel like Fall to me.  On the positive side, it isn't as hot.  It's cooling off nicely at night, and not getting as hot during the day.  But I'm still wearing capris and t-shirts as opposed to jeans and sweaters.  This is one thing I definitely miss about living in MT.  I don't necessarily miss snow and all that comes with it, but I miss having 4 distinct seasons.  Anyhoodle, it is Fall, which got me to thinking about seasons and changing leaves, etc.  That thinking led me to search for leaf shoes.  There are some interesting ones out there, let me tell you.  Here, I'll show you a few:
Clearly these are elf shoes.  You know, an elf in the Fall.

Girlier elf shoes.  A very little elf, though, as I don't think you could actually put much weight on those heels.  Cute boots, though.

These are just odd.  I'm not sure what it is about them that makes me say ew, but they're not my favorite.

Actual boots!  And by that I mean I'm not sure the first three are meant to actually be shoes for people.  They seem more like art.  Or a pinterest project.  Or shoes for a costume.  These are kind of fun, though.  They could also be for a costume, but I could see them being worn other times, too.
Happy Fall!  Whether you're wearing sandals or boots or something in-between, here's hoping you're having a lovely season.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Still Jealous

So of course yesterday after I wrote the post for my sister's birthday, I had to go on a search to see if I get any shoes with my name.  Not so much.  When I did an image search, mostly what came up were pictures of Sarah Jessica Parker's shoes.  Which makes sense considering how much her character loved shoes on Sex in the City.  I did find these (sorry, I couldn't save a picture), which are OK, but my sister definitely got the better end of the shoe/name deal.  Sigh...older sisters ALWAYS get the best stuff!
In other news, one of my parishioners saw this in a magazine and ripped out the page so she could bring it to me:
Now THAT is a shoe closet.  I'd need a ladder to reach the top shelves, but I think I could live with that.  Or, we could put the hubby's shoes up there.  I think this is what I will ask for for Christmas...

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Happy Birthday, Seester!

Today, in case you didn't read the post title, is my sister's birthday.  I've spoken of my sister, before, and hopefully you've realized that she is awesome.  She is 6 1/2 years older, and had to share a room with me when we were kids.  She was neat, I was not.  She has actual decorating ability, I do not.  I borrowed her clothes (sometimes without asking).  She gave me advice on boys, hair, make-up, and lots of other stuff.  We didn't always get along, and we don't always agree now, but I know she is always there for me, always supports me, and is a wonderful wife and mother.  And today I am totally and completely jealous of her from a shoe perspective.  First, there is this:
Her birthday shoes are awesome!  Maybe not for everyone, but I think they are really cool.  They are vintage kimono material, and I love the colors.  I love these, but I had awesome shoes on my birthday, too, so I can't complain about that.  What I can be totally and completely jealous about, though is that my seester has shoes named after her.  Shoes.  Her name.  More than one kind.

And there are more.  Not only that, but there is a whole website with her name.  A website with shoes.  Shoes.  Did I mention that I am jealous?  It's a good thing I love her so gosh darn much, or I might have to hate her.  Happy Birthday, Seester!

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Number Selection of the Week

I didn't ask anyone for a number today.  I noticed that this is my 265th post, so just decided to go with that as my number.  Page 265 in the Handbags book gives us more Lucite:
This one is hatbox shaped, which is kind of cool.  I don't dislike it, but again, it puts me in mind of whacking someone upside the head.  I think it's that Lucite is such a solid, unyielding material to make a purse out of.  It's definitely sturdy, but I can't quite imagine carrying one around.  So I went in search of more examples

I love the blue, and think the patterns in the 2nd picture are fun.  I appreciate this in a quirky, retro kind of way, but again, can't imagine carrying one around, no matter how cute the shape, how fun the color.
Page 265 of the Shoe Book is a little boring again this week:
Holy blurry picture, Batman!  Sorry about that.  But you get the idea:  Black and white.  And hey, black and white shoes have their place in the world.  I'm just not terribly thrilled with either of these.  How about some alternatives?

Better!  Well, at least in my opinion.  You'll have to find your own better alternatives if these aren't floating your boat. :-)

Monday, September 23, 2013


Guess what?  My awesome mom found the book!

Peppermint the snail's mom tells him not to go exploring because he might get lost.  But of course he does go exploring, and ends up getting purple paint splattered on his peppermint shell.  When he finds his way back home (he does get lost), his mom tries to get the purple off, but it's darn good paint.  So she says she'll have to call him Purplemint.
After the search for this difficult to find book, I started thinking of other books I loved as a child.  There are probably a million +, but here are a few:
Little Monster is awesome.  I had other books, too.  One of my favorites is where the monster has an upset tummy and sighs all day.  Literally, when he sighs he says, "alllll day."  Turns out he has an upset tummy because he swallowed a boot.  See?  I can work shoes in anywhere!

They build a HUGE sandwich.  With cranes and scaffolding.  They also crawl all over it, which is rather disgusting.  As are all the different layers they include.  I remember reading this to my mom as a kid, and trying to figure out how to sound out the work OK.

The title pretty much sums it up.  Little Rabbit tries all kinds of things to get that tooth to come out, but if finally falls out in her chocolate ice cream.

I thought the movie was really cute, but I LOVED the book. It was so goofy, and the illustrations were just a little bit creepy to me as a kid.  Made it even better.  I was fascinated with the idea of my food coming from the sky like weather.
Like I said, those are just a few.  There are lots more.  Apparently today is more of a book day than a shoe day.  I'll get back to shoes tomorrow.

Sunday, September 22, 2013


I kind of fell down a shoe rabbit hole today.  After my mom commented on yesterday's rain boot post I started looking for other boots, which somehow led me to Yellow Submarine boots, which led me here (it was much more circuitous than that):
Yellow Submarine baby booties!  I seriously need to find/create a pattern for these.  And then convince the BFF to have another baby so I can make them.  These booties led to these shoes:
Which are made out of the same material I used to make a Beatles baby blanket for the BFF's first baby.  These led me here:
Yoda kind of looks like he has a mustache, but the idea of these makes me giggle like a total Star Wars nerd.
You've already seen this picture here but it popped as I was looking, and I couldn't resist featuring it again in this post.
I swear I'm not pregnant.  Maybe it's hormones, but probably just that I baptized the sweetest, most adorable baby this morning.  He just gazed happily at me as I poured the water on his head.  He wasn't so fond of the chrism, but we had a nice snuggle as I introduced him to the congregation.  But come on, babies and Beatles?  Mom always says I get the same look on my face when looking at pictures of either one of them, so this post was probably inevitable anyway.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Rain! rained today.  It's gray and cloudy and gloomy.  Not quite cold enough for sweats and fuzzy socks, but lovely nonetheless.   I miss living in a place that has more definitely defined seasons, so today feels a little like Fall.  The rain put me in mind of rain boots, of which there are a million cute varieties right now.  I think rain boots are adorable.  I don't actually own a pair, but I generally thing they're fun when I see them.  At least when they are deployed as rain boots.  I haven't quite gotten to the point where I can see them simply as a cute accessory to be worn with an everyday outfit.  Boots with skirts?  Cute.  Rain boots with skirts?  A little weird.  But hey, to each their own.  On to today's selections:

Here's hoping you have appropriately adorable footwear, whatever your weather!

Friday, September 20, 2013


I almost didn't post tonight because I'm in such a funky mood.  The good news is, I don't have a sinus infection!  The bad news is that I do have a virus, and I feel fairly crappy.  It's mostly a headache and ear pressure, with some delightful wheezing and coughing thrown in.  So I'm tired and achy and blah.  I'm also feeling blah for other reasons, which is a topic for another post.  At any rate, I wasn't going to subject you to my blah-ness, but then I started thinking about what I like to do for comfort when I feel icky (besides eating...eating my feelings is bad, but it happens).  If it weren't still quite warm here I would put on sweats and fuzzy socks and snuggle up in bed with tea and a book.  The book will still happen, but alas, it's way too hot for the others.  So, next best thing:

I went with all of my favorites:  blue, stripes, fuzzy, penguinos.  I know I've posted about fuzzy socks before (twice, actually), but it's my blog, and I'll repost if I want to.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Arrrr, Matey!

If you have been on facebook today, then you know that it's National Talk Like a Pirate Day.  This cracks me up.  I  have no idea what people do to celebrate this day except, of course, go around talking like a pirate.  You probably know how I will celebrate; by looking at shoes!  In this case, pirate boots.

Apparently what makes a boot a pirate boot is if it has buckles, ties, or folds.  At least according the image search I did.  So, Happy Talk Like a Pirate Day!  Wear some boots, talk with a funny accent, get a parrot!
Oh, to follow up from yesterday's post, my mom found the book.  It's called The Purple Snail, by Katherine Lewis.  Even with that information, I still could find next to nothing on the book, and no images.  Mom is sending me the book, really does exist.