Saturday, February 14, 2015

Hearts and Flowers

Happy Valentine's Day!  Or, as I like to think of it: a reason to eat a crap-ton of chocolate in the middle of February!  And speaking of chocolate, the hubby totally got me this morning.  He knows I'm not a morning person, so it's really easy to pull one over on me.  We decided no gifts this year, we were just going to enjoy the day together.  So this morning at 6:45 (ugh) he comes in, all bouncy, wakes me up and says we should go to breakfast.  Oooookay.  Then he goes into this big story about how he has acidophilus pills that really help when we go out but he can't find them, and would I please please please see if I can find them?  Did I mention I'm not a morning person?  I don't think much about it, I just get annoyed that he's not letting me sleep when he said he would.  As I'm walking down the hall I smell something, look up, and see this:

Awwww...chocolate and roses!  And just like 2 years ago, Pedro was in on the plan.  They definitely helped with my eat a crap-ton of chocolate plan!

As often happens on holidays, there are a ton of pictures, so more pictures, fewer words.

The calendar offerings for the day.

Valentine's shoes.  Pair 1 is crazy and funny.  Pair 3 isn't really a Valentine shoe, but it came up in the search and I thought they were cute.  The last pair looks like really crazy tattoos.

Chocolate Valentine shoes!

This year's Valentine's Day socks.  You can refresh your memory on last year's here.  I actually bought a 6 pack because they were cute and not expensive.  The other 3 went to SKD because she and I have a sock relationship.  She gives me socks, I giver her socks, her kids steal her socks.  It's a pattern.  I gave her the three pairs that have green on them.  And now that I think about it, she got the ones with the more fun patters (I know that's not grammatically correct).  Maybe I should hire one of her kids to steal them and give them back to me...

Happy February 14th!  Hope you have a fabulous day however you celebrate (or not)!

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