Friday, July 31, 2015

No Shoes

I've been headache-y, grumpy, and ininspired the last couple of days, so no posting. I'm still not feeling any shoe inspiration, but thought I would give you a quick froggy tour.

This picture is the result of another surgery today. Soon there won't be any fabric left to stitch back together. Chalupa just can't not gnaw on poor froggy. But only original froggy. Froggy 2.0 is a different story. I ordered another one a couple of weeks ago so we would have a backup, and here is the result:

2.0 gets nothing but calmness and snuggles. I have no idea what goes on in my puppy's head. 

Hopefully I'll be back to shoes tomorrow! 

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

I Can't

I was supposed to help the hubby with a project today, but the headache I went to bed with took the night to get progressively worse.  I managed to a few things, but for the most part I stayed home, snuggled with puppies, and put ice packs on my eyes.  Now I think I might have sinus infection, or at least sinus crap.  Either way it's rude.  During the times when my eyes didn't feel like they were going to pop from the pressure I managed to finish reading Jesus Freak by Sara Miles.  I have a huge long list of books I'm trying to catch up on, and this one needed to be finished so I can return in to the library.  I like my theology best in the form of humorous, often slightly snarky, spiritual memoirs, so this worked nicely.  And then I had to go look up "Jesus shoes."  First, I'm shocked I've never done this before.  Second, I wish I hadn't because now I can't unsee them.  And if I can't, you don't get to either.

That is a LOT of white Jesus.  On shoes.  I don't know why I'm shocked, since I've found all kinds of weird stuff on shoes.  I just can't get on board with these; they actually creep me out.  I don't even find them funny, just weird.  Poor Jesus...we're always trying to force him into weird boxes (in this case, shoe boxes!).  I really hope the guy has a sense of humor.

Monday, July 27, 2015

Weird Day

As far as random holidays go, July 27th is a good day.  First, did you know that it's Take Your Pants for a Walk Day?  I didn't either, but now we do.  I guess as long as you're wearing pants and walking, then you are celebrating this day properly.  I wore shorts today, so I think I failed.

I think I've posted these before, but they're still incredibly weird.

At least this combination isn't attached like above, but I think I may have just gone blind.  Why would anyone go here?

Today is also Bagpipe Appreciation Day.  I, for one, appreciate the heck out of bagpipes.  I know they aren't for everyone, but I'm a fan.  I like to pretend it's because I have Scottish ancestry.  You know, instead of muscle memory, ancestor memory?

Bagpipe socks.  I had no idea these existed.  I don't think my love of bagpipes extends to a burning desire to wear bagpipe socks, but I'm not judging those who do have that desire.

To celebrate Bagpipe Appreciation Day here is Amazing Grace on bagpipes and pipe organ.  It's not my favorite version, but it's pretty darn good.  Sadly for Take Your Pants for a Walk day, the bagpiper is wearing a kilt, but not all holidays can coincide perfectly.

Sunday, July 26, 2015


Today was a good day.  Well, not so much for the hubby, who woke up with an icky tummy and thus couldn't participate in the good day.  Poor hubby.  But I got to drive to the East Bay and meet a friend for lunch.  But not just any friend, a friend I worked with at Christikon (Lutheran summer camp in Montana), and whom I haven't seen in almost 20 years!  Which is just crazy, since I know I worked at camp no more than 5 years ago.  It was really great to see her again and finally meet her hubby.  They have 2 children, a boy who is 7, and a girl who is 4 (she is 10 days younger than Laughter, and clearly they were both born under a very dramatic aligning of stars).  Their son spent the time telling me all of the Alcatraz facts he learned on their tour.  He was clearly fascinated, and he definitely paid attention to the audio tour.  Their daughter chatted about lots and lots of different stuff and may or may not have been thinking of a way to steal my wedding rings. :-)  It was so much fun, and so so wonderful to see her again after all of this time.  JJS looks great and seems happy, which makes me happy.  Her suggestion for tonight's blog was Wisconsin (where they are from), and plaid.  So here we go:

Of course when I looked up Wisconsin shoes I got sports results.  I don't know a lot about Wisconsin, so I didn't look up anything more specific.  I do know Bucky the Badger, though, because a friend of mine from Texas went to school in Madison.  Bucky was pretty much the first mascot I could recognize outside of the mascot from my own alma mater.

And of course the Packers.  Just makes me think of cheeseheads.  I kind of like the yellow one, though.

Moving on to plaid, which is more fun.  These look very bright and summery to me.

I like these too, but maybe they're a little more springy looking?   Or even fall?

I think JJS  was wearing Birkenstocks today, or at least sandals that looked like Birkenstocks. I opted not so be a shoe stalker for once in my life and didn't ask, but I thought some plaid Birks would be fun.

And these are just adorable.

I have no idea if JJS wears heels or not.  We worked at summer camp, so most shoes were very very practical (Camp/Author Friend's ginormous platforms notwithstanding), and I wasn't in a shoe phase at that point, so didn't have a lot of conversations about them.  Regardless, I thought this was a very cute plaid wedge.

So it was a good day, and I am happy I got to spend part of it with JJS and her family.

Saturday, July 25, 2015


Apparently today is National Day of the Cowboy or some such thing.  I have a healthy respect for (real) cowboys and cowgirls, but have never had a burning desire to be one.  I also have a VERY healthy respect for cowboy rear ends, but that's a post for another time.  And even though I don't want to be a cowgirl, or wear the boots, I still like to look at the fancy ones, so tonight's shoes will all be really girly cowgirl boots.

See?  Fancy!

Ooooh...purple for The Bean and Flower, butterflies for Double A, and turquoise for me!

Or, just blue for me.  Because I'm selfish like that.

And of course green for all of my green freaks out there.

More turquoise.  These (actually all of these) would look cute with a dress.

You know I love a red boot.

I think I'd like these better without the brown.  I like the yellow and pink.

So, happy cowboy day.  I hope you celebrated appropriately.

Friday, July 24, 2015

Updates and Wombats

A couple of updates.  First, I have yet to kill the ivy!

Look at how lovely and healthy it's looking.  Maybe I'm not a murderer after all.  Poor Froggy is not s lucky as the ivy, though:

I'm not sure if you can tell, but all of the stuffing is now out of his head, and he's dang near been decapitated.  The hubby is still asking me to sew him up.  Really?  How long are we going to torture poor Froggy?

Now, on to the theme for the night.  The other day the hubby was having some internet issues with is iPad and asked me to check and see if I had internet.  He told me to Google something random, like wombat, to see if I could get online.   I had no issues, but noticed that when you type in wombat the 2nd thing that pops up is wombat poop.  Yesterday the hubby was again having internet issues and asked me to check again.  This time as my check I decided I needed to find out more about wombat poop, and the hubby and I learned this interesting fact:  Wombat poop is square!  Really, you should watch this; it's quite fascinating.

 Obviously tonight's shoes will be wombat-themed.

How cute are these?

I like both of these pairs, but I wouldn't want to stand on the poor little wombats.

I guess this is a wombat?  Or possibly a sheep?  Maybe a wombat and a sheep had a baby?

Not shoes, but wow.  Wombat screen-printed socks.  Somebody loves them some wombats.

Now that I've shared with you the squareness of wombat poop, I think my work here is done.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Calendar Birthday Shoes

Yesterday I got to Skype with the fam for the Bean's birthday.  During the course of the conversation the Bean, Double A, Mom and I were killing some time waiting for the hubby to get off the phone (he was working) so we could tell the fam a story that he wanted to be part of.  While we were waiting I showed them the shoes for yesterday from the shoe calendar, and then Double A wanted to see the ones from her birthday as well.  Turns out they both got vintage shoes on their birthdays:

These are from yesterday, so the Bean's birthday, and they're from 1918.  Aren't they cool?

Double A got pink petit point shoes from 1945.

Quick side note:  These pictures aren't from the calendar, and yes, they would have been larger pictures had I gotten them from the calendar, but a. the hubby is sleeping and I don't want to bother him, and b. I'm just too lazy to go get the calendar and scan the pictures in. 

I thought I'd go see what else I could find from 1918 (or at least what the internet says are shoes from 1918).

I love the color.  Overall the shoe is a bit clunky, but it's vintage, so I'm not going to hold a little clunkiness against it. 

I really want to like these, but they're just slightly off for me.  I can't quite put my finger on why.

These are weird.  And kind of cool.  And they prove that weird-shaped cutouts in otherwise normal shoes are not a new thing.

And now on to more petit point.  Love these.  Even the heels have needlework!

These aren't baby shoes, these are doll shoes.  That was one spoiled doll.

I love the colors of this one, so bright and fun.

I'm so very happy I have nieces.  And that their birthdays coincided with cool shoes on the shoe calendar.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Happy Birthday, Bean!

Today is the Bean's 12th birthday.  She's almost a teenager!  We got to Skype with her and the parents and Double A this afternoon, so that was lovely, even if we did have technical difficulties and end up spending way more time figuring things out that we expected.  2 years ago the hubby and I were home for her birthday, which was awesome, but the shoes weren't all about her.  Last year's post was shoes named after her, so this year she gets purple (because it's her favorite color) and polka dots (because I like alliteration).  Here are 12 pairs of purple polka dots for my Bean:

Is it just me or are these kind of a weird shape?  I still think they're adorable, even if they are a bit odd.

This needs a different heel, but the top is cute.

Ohhhh...maybe I could get the hubby to wear these for the Bean if not for me?


I'll take this outfit in blue, please.  We'll get green for Double A and then we'll all 3 go on an outing.

Wouldn't these be fabulous for Lent?  Am I supposed to say fabulous and Lent in the same sentence?

Puddle stomping boots!

I just noticed that this is a ring holder shoe.

I would wear these.  They need some ribbon laces, though.

Purple polka dots for the PB!

I feel like I know a small child who had these exact shoes.

And finally some fleep flops.  Because the Bean doesn't have her auntie's issues with that darn thing between the toes.

Happy Birthday, Bean!  I love you to purple polka dots and back!

I'm now going to tack on this final paragraph because I don't want to do an actual post about it.  The hubby and I met with the bishop today, and for reasons that are both very complicated and remarkably simple, I have decided to go off of the clergy roster.  It will be awhile before I fully process this change, but at the core it was the right decision for where I am right now.  I can, after at least a year, decide to go through the process of being put back on the roster and once again be an ordained clergy person, so I'm grateful this doesn't have to be permanent unless I decide that's what God is calling me to.  I have many, many emotions which mostly boil down to just feeling weird right now.  Like I said, I haven't fully processed, so weird is about the best I've got right now.
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