Monday, June 30, 2014


I went shoe shopping yesterday for the first time in forever.  Maybe not forever, but I haven't gone much because shoes aren't on the list of approved budgetary items for me right now (that's my decision, not the hubby's...we have other things to pay for right now).  Anyhoo, I recently received some awesome gift cards from some even more awesome friends and yesterday I decided to go peruse my options.   So off I went to DSW to happily wander the aisle.  I haven't been wearing heels lately as the puppies just don't seem to care what I wear on my feet, especially since they aren't allowed to eat them.  I mostly perused the sandals, although of course I did try on  few pairs of heels just to stay in practice.  It was fun just to be surrounded by the shoes, but a little frustrating for trying on purposes.  It seemed like every pair I found hat I liked didn't have my size.  If I needed a 7 they only had 7 1/2 or 8.  If I needed a 7 1/2 they only had 7.  Rude.  Then the hubby called (busted!) and asked why I was shopping for shoes.  I started to get annoyed until he said, you should wait until next weekend when the 4th of July sales will be going on.  Oooh, excellent point!  I did buy one pair, though as they were on awesome clearance:

Blue!  And Strappy!  They really do fit, my feet just slid down when I put them on the table.  And see?  I didn't give up on heels completely.

These are from Target, where I also had a gift card.  Have I ever mentioned how much I love gift cards?  These had multiple things going for them:  1. They were also on clearance.  2.  They're turquoise, and the puppies just ate my favorite pair of turquoise shoes.  3.  And this is the best reason:  They are named after Pippi!  Clearly Jesus wanted me to have these shoes.  (yes, I KNOW Jesus doesn't care if I buy shoes or's a joke.  Please don't send me snarky messages).  I haven't had canvas tennies in forever, so these are really fun.  Of course give me about 5 minutes, and I'll probably have them filthy, but oh well.  

Alright, it's late and I'm loopy from more albuterol.  Not as bad as yesterday, but still had to use the inhaler.  Time for me to stop watching weird reality television and go to bed.

Saturday, June 28, 2014


I had another post planned for tonight (spoiler:  shoe shopping!), but then I had a couple of rather large asthma attacks earlier and now I am albuterol-hungover, exhausted, and my chest hurts.  This makes me too tired and lazy to get out of bed to take the pictures I meant to take.  I'm also hungry, but again, getting out of bed = bad.  Since I'm hungry I decided to further torture myself with food-related shoes.  Here are a few of them.  But only the cute ones, because no one needs raw meat shoes so soon after last night's creepiness.

Don't worry, I won't tell you the watermelon bag story AGAIN.  But these are adorable.  I would totally wear them on the 4th of July while spitting watermelon seeds into Flathead Lake.

Mmmm...frosting and sprinkles.

Martini?  There's a lime, so I'm going to go with margarita, since that's my choice of mixed drink.  Plus, this is my blog, so I can make up whatever stuff I want.

If I'm remembering French class correctly, this says something along the lines of red caramel apple shoe.  Which is what it looks like, although I've never seen red caramel.

Cake.  I wish I had cake.

And these are just sweet.  Also, ice cream would be nice.  Almost any variety of chocolate.  Or something really disgustingly decadent like Ben and Jerry's Dublin Mudslide.  I wonder if I gave them the keys if Chalupa and Tallulah would go get me some?

Friday, June 27, 2014

My Eyes!

I couldn't think of anything to write about tonight.  It was a very uneventful day of being tired since waking up (I'm actually already in bed if you can believe it), dealing with animal poop, and working on THE LIST.  There is nothing there for shoe inspiration.  So I went to my ideas folder and found this picture:

Face shoes!  I thought they were kind of funny, and maybe I could find some more.  Well, I did find more...

And now I am SUPER creeped out.  Why?  Who thought this was a good idea?  Who buys these and puts them on their wall?  WHY?!  There are more if you need more ickiness to your night.  I'm good, thanks.  I'm probably going to have nightmares as it is.

I couldn't leave you with just creepy.  These guys are sweet, so hopefully the last thing you see will be what you remember.  If not, I hope you have puppies and/or a spouse to sleep with for when the nightmares come.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

SB With The PF

I mentioned before that the Pinterest Friend is moving to Idaho this summer with her family.  I used to see her almost every day at the church, but as neither of us is there any longer, we decided to meet for coffee this morning to hang out a bit before we left.  Mornings still aren't my strongest time of day, but I made it up and out of the house in kind of sort of OK time.  I was only a little late, thankfully.   But then it was a lovely visit.  We're going to try to meet up again before they leave in a a couple of wees, but after that I will have to plan my driving trips to MT so they go through what will be her new hometown.  She's a pretty amazing person, although hers is not my story to tell.  I can tell you, though, what I know best, and that is how she interacted with the preschool kiddos and church staff.  She is always kind, always has a smile.  It doesn't mean she never has bad days, but she manages to maintain that kindness even then.  Hopefully some child-related place in Idaho will soon be blessed with having her on staff.  In honor of our Starbucks' date this morning, here are her latest choices from Pinterest:

These are from the 30s.  I love the color, the basic style, and the ribbon laces, but would like them better with a different heel and a closed toe.  But no one asked me.  Probably because I wasn't alive in the 30s.  And because I have exactly no fashion or design experience.

I'm sure you can all fill in the comment section for this picture.  Of course I love them.

I like these, but maybe in a different color?  They're just a little too pastel for me.  Blue would be good, but I would take them in a variety of other bright colors (honest!).

I want to like these.  They are bright and have a bold pattern, which I like.  They would drive the hubby crazy (because he thinks I should always wear black shoes, crazy man), which is another added bonus.  But they're just a little off, and I'm not sure why.

Less in more, people.  Less.  Is.  More.

Take away the spikes and I'm in.  Is this green or turquoise?  I'm going to go with sea-foam green.  Which is the color of an old truck my dad used to have that was insanely fun to drive.

This has nothing to do with shoes, but it's perfect and makes me smile.  I agree...why do so many things have to be group activities?  Can't we all just hang out (in the same room if we have to) with our own books and be happy?  No?  Fine then.  Rude.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

The Many Moods of Panda

Parts of today were actually really good.  Like the conversation I had with my accountant this morning.  I mean, the man is dry as toast, but he had good news for me today, so that helped.  SKD and I got our toes done, and that's always fun.  I got red and she got navy so together we are very patriotic.  I meant to get a picture but didn't.  Did you know she has never had blue toes before?  How is that even possible?  Silly lady.  But then she dropped me off and I could tell right away that the hubby was pissed.  He thinks he can hide it, but he's wrong.  After SDK left I got a giant lecture.  OK, to be fair, it probably only feels like a lecture because as an introvert and an internal processor I can never actually say anything when he's going on about something, so it's just words words words from him and I feel lectured.  Plus, it's an argument we keep having, and I don't know what to say anymore anyway because nothing has helped so far.  Don't worry, I'm not going to give you a blow by blow of the event; this isn't the place to air that stuff.  Although I could, as the hubby doesn't read the blog, so I could say whatever I want and he wouldn't know.  But I'm not going to.  I just hate the block that goes up in my brain when I'm trying to say certain things.  It's like an actual wall that I haven't figured out how to knock down.  And I've always been like this.  When I was a kid I would cry, Mom would ask me what was wrong, and I would say, "nothing."  Not because I didn't want to tell her (usually), but because I couldn't.  Let me take a sidebar to apologize to my mother for all of the crap I put her through as a kid  Soooo sorry, Mom!  Love you!  You know that song, Say Something by A Great Big World?  Yeah...pretty sure that song was written about me.  At any rate, between what felt like a lecture, another round of depression, and that hormonal part of my cycle (sorry, guys) where I cry at anything and everything, I have spent most of the evening crying.  Can't wait for the crying hangover tomorrow.  Good times.

So panda shoes.  Why?  Why not?  Who needs segues?

Today I pretty much feel like this.

But hopefully tomorrow I will feel like this.

Maybe by Friday I'll even be feeling silly.

Because how can I be sad when there are turquoise disco panda shoes in the world?

I just like these because the pandas are the opposite of the way most shoes are done, so I would get to look  down at them.  We could have conversations.  I would call them Manda Panda and Patrick Panda.

And then I'll have a baby who can wear these.  I don't know their names because I don't have a baby to name them.

I'm taking my red eyes, splotchy face and stupid brain to bed now.  But before I go one last picture.  This cartoon is about anxiety, but it also works for depression, and how I feel in many conversations.  (Click on it to make it bigger)


I was on Pinterest a little bit ago and decided to type in "DIY shoes," fully expecting to be horrified. I was actually pleasantly surprised. Yes, there were some shoes that looked like preschool arts crafts for horribly awry, but I'm going to show you the cute ones.

I could never actually make this look good, but I like the result.

Again, wouldn't be able to make anything straight or even, but I could see the nieces in these in various colors.

Squeee! I love these. Sorry, Mom...just look away or scroll by really fast.

This is puff paint, so it would last approximately 5 minutes, but it's still fun. I love the colors.

Clearly I'm drawn (ha! See what I did there?) to the canvas tennies tonight, but they're so fun. Those of you out there who are craftier than I should try some of these, or do your own design. Oh! And then send me a pair. I wear a size 7...

Monday, June 23, 2014

Alcohol or Chocolate

 The puppies have been driving me absolutely crazy today.  It started this morning when I discovered they'd pooped in 2 different spots in the house and peed  in a couple others.  Chalupa would NOT stop barking.  Only Tallulah got a treat at bath time because Chalupa jumped out and ran all over the house, spraying water everywhere.  They are chewing frigging everything.  Tallulah keeps licking my underwear, regardless of whether I'm wearing it or not.  Yeah.  Yuck.  I realize these are just puppy things and they will get better, but today I woke up with a pounding headache and dealing with stinky puppies was not on my list of things to get excited about.  If I was drinking right now I think I would have definitely indulged in something.  Instead I went with chocolate.  I got sucked in by the peanut butter cup Oreos at the grocery store tonight.  Yum.

But enough grumpy puppy stories, let's move on to shoes.  I actually quite enjoyed a calendar picture for once, which hasn't happened much lately.  This was the picture from the weekend:

Terrible picture, but they are really cute lime green and turquoise flats.  They reminded me of the shoes the BSF wore to my wedding, and a pair I picked out for Double A in a recent(ish) post.

Obviously (hopefully), hers are the green and blue ones under the green dress.  They are super cute, and I am jealous, especially since she can wear slingbacks when I can't.  Bitch.

I wish I knew what these are, because they are so very Double A.  She would look adorabl(er) in them.

I actually forgot to turn the calendar to today's picture until around 5:00 tonight, and I'm glad I did, as today's picture was this:

I didn't need to stare at this all day.  Pink stilettos with gold spikes and toe fluff.  I've decided that the woman who would wear these is a biker chick with a pink poodle.

But back to green and blue.  Here are some more selections for you:

Cute!  And I've probably posted them before, but oh well.

Also cute.  I wish they weren't leather in the back and suede in the  front, though.  Just makes it look like they took 2 different shoes and smooshed them together.  And maybe that's how they're supposed to look.  Who am I to judge?  Just kidding, I totally love to judge!

I admit it.  I like these. I would wear them.  Except that I seem to have lost the ability to walk in heels.  I wore a pair for roughly an hour yesterday and then said screw it and put on flats. Let's pretend that since these are wedges I could still wear them, kay?

Just no.  Unless it's the 80s and then maybe.  Nope.  Still no.

This is crazy.  I almost like it.  Not totally, but almost.  I think the toe is square.  Odd choice; I think they would look better with a pointed toe.

Well, the puppies are asleep and looking adorable, so I think I should enjoy the quiet for awhile.

Sunday, June 22, 2014


A good chunk of my day was spent with amazing people.  There was chocolate and laughter and a couple of reminders: 1.  I haven't actually forgotten how to socialize!  I'm now exhausted, but that's not unusual.  2.  I received many life- and gift-affirming comments, which was nice.  Wait, that 2nd one isn't written as a reminder, but I'm sure you get my point.  What I'm saying is that today was a win, and I enjoyed it very much.

Just for kicks, I typed in "life affirming shoes" for tonight's search, and this is what popped up first:

Not my cup of tea, necessarily, but kind of cute and funny.  No idea why these are life affirming, but at least they're interesting.  And then THESE were immediately after:

Oh.  My.  God.  Literally.  Are these blasphemous?  Am I going to hell for laughing at these?  Do I need the top pair?  Still less weird than the 3rd pop up:

What the hell?  I mean seriously, what is going on here?  THAT'S THE WRONG END, PEOPLE!  Again, what do these have to do with affirming life?  Although, I am currently laughing at the stupidity of these pictures (and there were lots more), so maybe that's how it's life affirming?  Giving me reason to laugh?

Despite weird shoe pictures, it was a good day.  Except for one thing:  The puppies ATE their first pair of my shoes.  The shoes were old, I got them the weekend of seminary graduation, so 7 years ago.  They weren't fancy, just cute, blue slip-ons.  But still.  The little beasts snuck into the hubby's office when we were elsewhere in the house and attacked the shoes I'd left under his desk while working this morning.  It's a good thing they're cute and snuggly, because I might have had to banish them forever otherwise.  Bratty little shoe eaters.

Saturday, June 21, 2014


You probably already know that I like strappy shoes.  If you didn't that, then hey! Guess what?  I really like strappy shoes!  Tonight as I was perusing shoes, I happened across several pairs of strappy shoes that are both similar and different.  Or something.  My brain is tired.

They're all strappy and all multi-colored, so they ARE similar.  I rather like all of them, except maybe for the last pair.  I think I would like them more if they were in different colors, and maybe not snake skin looking.  My second least favorite is the red and purple pair, although I don't hate those or anything.  They'd be great for Red Hat ladies.  I have no concluding sentence.   Did I mention that my brain is tired?
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