Friday, January 16, 2015


So, while it's true that I've been plenty busy the last few days (I head to bed around midnight thinking, damn, I didn't post again), it's more true that my brain has been consumed with thoughts other than shoes.  I know!  I can't believe it either.  Well, I can.  So here's the thing:  I need to get a job.  I haven't worked since February last year.  I've never gone this long without a job of some kind, even if it's just part time.  The hubby and I are doing better, but we could use the extra income just to get us all the way back healthy financially.  When I was in MT I had a phone conversation with the bishop and I was totally ready to go back into the call process and find a new church.  Then I got back home and my confidence got shot all to hell.  Then my brain starts swirling around: if I don't go back to the parish, what will I do?  What CAN I do?  My brain swirls are not helpful.  They are very responsible for shooting my confidence all to hell.  I've had about 10 people tell me lately that I should think about being a teacher.  As a kid that's the career I was convinced I would have, but now I'm not sure of that either.  Blah.  Does anyone have a job they would like me to do?  Babysit your kids?  Sit on your couch and read?  Help you pick out some awesome shoes?  

To ensure that this post isn't just depressing whining, here is a cute pair of shoes:

Thanks again to the PF for always finding me cute shoes.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go figure out if I can't get my brain to stand still for awhile.

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