Thursday, April 2, 2015

Maundy Thursday

It's Holy Week, and today is Maundy Thursday.  In the Gospel of John instead of the scene of Jesus instituting what we now know of as communion, he takes on the form of a servant and washes the disciples' feet.  In many churches all over the world people are following this tradition and washing each others' feet.  Which means in the church today is pretty much about taking your shoes off.  Not a lot of Maundy Thursday themed shoes out there (if there are any).  We'll do clip art instead:

Today wasn't only Maundy Thursday, though.  According to my website of odd dates it's also:

National Ferret Day.  This picture cracks me up.

Blue ferrets?  Still really cute shoes.

It's also National Peanut Butter and Jelly Day!  And these shoes  are adorble.

As well as World Autism Day.  The puzzle piece is a symbol of the Autism spectrum, and blue is the color (maybe you've seen the phrase, "light it up blue" for today), so these shoes are pretty perfect.  I have a friend whose son is on the spectrum and she has a puzzle piece tattoo, because she's cool like that.  Also, her son is adorable and hilarious.

I might need to get a pair of these to wear next year on April 2.

Finally, today is International Children's Book Day, so you know I'm on board with that.  Since it's almost Easter, I thought of this book.  It's a book!  The mama bunny gets to be the Easter Bunny!  And there are gold shoes!  Really, what more could I ask?

How about some adorable bunny shoes?  The hubby used to have 3 bunnies as pets.  His ex-girlfriend (who is a friend of ours) got them when they broke up and sadly the last one just died at almost 12 years old, which is really old for a bunny.  Which is kind of off-topic, but she and I could have bunny shoes to honor the bunny trifecta.

Well, it was a busy day of holidays, and a busy day of running around doing a million different errands for me.  Definitely time for bed after a full and good Maundy Thursday.

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